Monday, May 25, 2009

Holiday Weekend

OK, I realise I have not been updating very often. I'm thinking of signing off altogether, but maybe not. I'm not much of a talker, so maybe it means I'm also not much of an updater?

I spent alot of time this weekend working on my container plants. I very much enjoy picking out plants and then arranging them in containers. I like everything about it. I like finding unusual containers; old buckets, new planters, etc., I like looking at all the many plants and then trying to decide which I want, I like haphazardly arranging them together and then watching how they grow, I like getting dirty and sweaty when I work with them.

The long holiday weekend is almost over. These long weekends go so fast! Ugh. I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I would much rather spend my time at home, but if that were the case I would be wanting to go to work (never happy so it seems).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Buddy Guy

GF and I went to see Buddy Guy play this weekend! As usual I didn't really want to go, but what a good time! Here is a clip of him on Letterman.

I just recently learned who Buddy Guy is.......what a talent. He put on a good show. The audience was an interesting mix; young, old, white, black, and just about everything in-between. I had fun watching the crowd interact.

We watched his live show at a casino, then spent the night in the swanky hotel. We loved the room - best hotel bathroom ever! I lost all the money I took to gamble, but thankfully GF broke even! So we didn't come home broke.

Today we're laying around the house and resting up! I was planning on being more energetic and getting some things done around the yard. It doesn't look like that is going to happen, though. Ahh, there is always tomorrow.............

Friday, April 10, 2009


Isn't he cute? This is Mitts wrestling with a small pillow. The pillow used to look nice on the couch. Now it is usually found on the floor. Oh the box he is in, is also part of our living room "furniture" these days.

In other news.......... I'm still employed! The workplace has been difficult the past month or so. None of us know who will get laid-off next. Rumors continue to flourish - they drive me crazy. It's ridiculous how we behave when changes and uncertainty are close. I'm trying to stay away from all the negative talk; it ain't easy! Some days are more successful than others. I'm not sure what wears me out more - the constant persistant speculating from my co-workers, or my inability to get away from my co-workers and their constant persistant speculating. Ugh.

My gf got an extension on her volunteered lay-off. She is home until June 1! She has been busy enjoying her time. I am also enjoying being well taken care of by my unemployed gf who has lots more time and energy these days.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The First Cut

The first wave of 200 hourly workers getting permanently laid-off were notified Friday. I made it through! Whew! Some of the people who were with me during our orientation were included in the lay-off. Most of the laid-off people were working in the area that I first started in. I feel lucky to have been moved to a different area. I'm safe for now, but still expect some kind of time off in the near future. Rumor has it we might be doing a rotating type lay-off; half of each area works for a month, gets laid-off for a month, etc. I'm hoping that is what happens, but who knows?

My girlfriend who has many years seniority has taken a month volunteered lay-off. She has been off work since early March. I'm glad we can afford to let her have the time off. She is enjoying it! And I'm not too unhappy to have her here doing most of the housework, and cooking - it has been very nice indeed.

I'm going outside today to do some yard work - yeah! It is only around 43 degrees outside, but very sunny. It feels good to be outside, even if it is still cold. We had a long and snowy winter, and the yard is messed up from plowing the driveway. It beckons me........

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh for the good old days..........

The joys of being 50 (or 51) continue. Today I had a colonoscopy. Good times. Everything is fine, it was just a check-up thing, but times like these really make me miss the good old days.

The days when I ate nothing but junk food, drank like a fish, smoked a pack and 1/2 a day, and never gave a thought about going to the doctor. And excluding the hangovers, I felt just fine.

Now I go to the doctor regularly, watch my food choices, no longer drink or smoke, force myself to exercise, and usually have some kind of ache or pain everyday. Pretty much sucks, don't you think?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mitts is a He

Mitts got home from the vet today. Mitts is a boy! Guess you can't trust two lesbians to find the "boy" equipment on a kitten? Anyway, he is home after spending an extra night at the hospital. He licked the thumb on one of his paws open and the vet had to suture it shut. Hence the extra night. We're glad he is home, even if poor Bails is not. We have to give him medicine for a couple days, should be interesting.............

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Lay-Off Coming?

It's Monday and I'm not looking forward to going to work. The company I work at announced last week they are going to have 200 permanent lay-offs and 1200 temporary lay-offs. This is supposed to happen sometime in April, May or June - depending on which source you talk to. I'm pretty sure I will be one of the 1200 temporary laid off. I don't think I'm feeling too much stress about it yet. There are just too many variables involved in how and when they let employees go, so I am trying not to get myself worked up and in a funk over something I have no control over.

Mostly what I feel now is aggravation and irritation at my co-workers for constantly speculating about the future and for the many many rumors that are spreading like wildfire. I just want it to stop!

To change the subject completely; Mitts is at the Vet's today. She is getting fixed and her front claws removed. I feel horrible about the claws, but cannot let my furniture and house get ruined with her scratching. I am having trouble concentrating because I keep thinking about her. Can't believe how quickly I got attached to the little trouble maker! We're bringing her home tomorrow. I'll be glad when she is home and healed.